

Workshop participant will stay in Ankara for 2 days (15th and 16th Sept.) and 3 days in Konya (17th – 19th Sept.). Accommodation options are listed below for Ankara and Konya. If you choose the listed options, please complate and submit the form below until 15th May. We will make a reservation at the hotels for participants.
Hotel prices are discounted for this organization.

City Hotel Single Room Double Room More Information
Ankara *Hotel Pembe Köşk (★★★) 85 110 Hotel Pembe Köşk
*Konya *Hotel Bera (★★★★) 100 140 Bera Hotel
*Konya **Selçuk University Hostel 40 25 (shared) Selçuk University Hostel

*: include breakfast.
**: exclude breakfast. Breakfast cost: 8 .
*: Field trip transportation will provide only this hotel.